Monday, April 25, 2011

50th Anniversary Birthday Celebration

We want to invite all Clearfield High School Alumni and the Community to come and join us at the 50th Anniversary Alumni Assembly on Thursday, April 28th at 8:50 a.m. in the CHS Auditorium.  The students are looking forward to another fun experience with those who have gone before!

This year Clearfield High is celebrating its 50th Anniversary year.  In association with the 50th Year Celebration, the Alumni Committee has developed a four-fold program to help students attending Clearfield High reach a higher potential.  Each student will have the opportunity to see what other Clearfield High graduates have achieved and tap in on the training, tips and techniques by which they have achieved success.

Clearfield High has Five Focused Areas of Study. These career pathways allow student’s flexibility to explore a variety of career Fields, they are: Art, Business and Marketing, Health and Human Services, Industry and Letter and Sciences. This four-fold program will be called the “CHS Hall of Fame” and its purpose is to aid the students as they move into their Focused Areas of Study.  

There are four aspects to this program:

Hall of Fame Wall:  This is a wall that features alumni who have been nominated because of their achievements in one of the five Areas of Focus.  This nominee’s picture and biography will be placed on the wall. The first year there will be five nominees, with new one’s added each subsequent year.  The purpose of this wall is to help students visually see the graduates of Clearfield High who have succeeded in these five areas.

Career Kiosk:  The next feature of the Hall of Fame will be a “Career Kiosk.”  We cannot possibly put all those who have been successful on the “Hall of Fame Wall.”   We needed another way to be able to access other alumni’s careers and successes.  To do this, we will plan on adding a kiosk which has a touch screen computer that will access data from alumni according to their achievements in the Five Areas of Focus.  This is another part of the Hall of Fame where we need your support and help.  We are asking as many alumni who feel they have had experience in these fields to send in their “Career Form.”  We will then add their information to the database.  Students can then look up a career path from the Focus Areas and find alumni who have succeeded in their chosen Career Path and find how they did it.  A form will be posted on our webpage where you can print and fill and check the box in which you are willing to be a mentor.

Memorabilia Display Case:  The next feature in the Hall of Fame will be two display cases featuring memorabilia from Clearfield High’s past.  Again, if you have memorabilia that you think would add to this display, we would love to have your donation.

Alumni Scholarship: The last, but possibly the most important part of the Hall of Fame, will be an Alumni Scholarship.  A plaque will be placed in the Hall each year showing who the Alumni Scholarship recipient is.  Our hope is that once a year, the Alumni Association can give at least one scholarship to a college or a trade school to help those who might not otherwise succeed by their own means or academic merits.

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